Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Overview of The American Academy

Overview of The American Academy The American Academy offers over 230 online courses for high school students. Students enrolled in The American Academy can complete individual courses or work towards an accredited diploma. Courses are self-paced and have a generous 6-month completion deadline, giving students the flexibility to set their own schedules. Accreditation The American Academy is accredited by Northwest Association of Accredited Schools, a regional accrediting agency. Degrees and Programs The American Academy offers online courses and high school diploma programs to students of any age. In addition to traditional diplomas, they provide the Dropout Recovery Program designed to help former students complete a high school diploma from their local school districts. Homeschool students can also take a la carte courses, enroll in a math/science bundle, or work towards a diploma. Admissions The American Academy offers open enrollment to all students. Classes start on Monday every week. Typically, each credit requires approximately 120 hours of work. Students can select courses through a shopping cart system, making it easy to tailor the curriculum to individual needs. Interesting Fact Students enrolled in The American Academy receive 50 minutes of one-on-one tutoring time from licensed professionals. Additional tutoring time may be purchased. Contact Information Website:Â  www.theamericanacademy.comPhone: 866-689-1932Address: 175 S. Main, Suite 1130Salt Lake City, UT 84111

Saturday, November 23, 2019

The Importance of Being Earnest Quotes

'The Importance of Being Earnest' Quotes Oscar Wilde created one of the most delightful and memorable social comedies with The Importance of Being Earnest. First performed in 1895, the play satirizes the stiff and proper customs and institutions of Victorian England. These quotes illustrate Wildes way with words in this witty farce. Social Standing Social standing  was very important during the Victorian era. You did not have a chance to rise to the top, as you might in the U.S., through hard work and luck. If you were born to a lower class generally the poorer and less-educated in society you would remain a member of that class for life, and you were expected to know your place, as these biting quotes illustrate. Really, if the lower orders don’t set us a good example, what on earth is the use of them? - Act 1 My dear Algy, you talk exactly as if you were a dentist. It is very vulgar to talk like a dentist when one isnt a dentist. It produces a false impression...  - Act 1 Fortunately in England, at any rate, education produces no effect whatsoever. If it did, it would prove a serious danger to the upper classes, and probably lead to acts of violence in Grosvenor Square.  - Act 1 Marriage Marriage during the Victorian era was decidedly unequal. Women lost all of their rights when they entered into the marriage contract  and were forced to endure the control and cruelty of their husbands. Women fought to gain more control in the institution of marriage, but they did not gain those rights until after the end of the Victorian era. I have always been of opinion that a man who desires to get married should know either everything or nothing.  -  Act 1 An engagement should come on a young girl as a surprise, pleasant or unpleasant as the case may be. - Act 1 And certainly once a man begins to neglect his domestic duties he becomes painfully effeminate, does he not?  - Act 2 The Roles of Men and Women Like everything else in this era, men and women were expected to behave in a prim and proper manner. But, a peak under to covers so to speak shows that what men and woman thought about their roles was very different than what appeared on the surface. All women become like their mothers. That is their tragedy. No man does. Thats his. - Act 1The only way to behave to a woman is to make love to her, if she is pretty, and to some one else, if she is plain. - Act 1 London society is full of women of the very highest birth who have, of their own free choice, remained thirty-five for years.  - Act 3​​ The Importance of Being Earnest Must Victorian-era social interactions involved a dichotomy between what people said and how they acted in public and what they truly thought. The plays title and many of its quotes allude to Wildes belief that it was important to be earnest, and that truthfulness and honesty were lacking in Victorian society. Pray dont talk to me about the weather, Mr. Worthing. Whenever people talk to me about the weather, I always feel quite certain that they mean something else. And that makes me so nervous. - Act 1The truth is rarely pure and never simple. Modern life would be very tedious if it were either, and modern literature a complete impossibility! - Act 1Gwendolen, it is a terrible thing for a man to find out suddenly that all his life he has been speaking nothing but the truth. Can you forgive me? - Act 3Ive now realised for the first time in my life the vital Importance of Being Earnest. - Act 3 Study Guide Check out these other sources to help you in your studies of The Importance of Being Earnest. Review: The Importance of Being EarnestQuestions for Study DiscussionOscar Wilde Biography

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Import and Export Markets in the United Kingdom Essay

Import and Export Markets in the United Kingdom - Essay Example The UK exports most of its goods to Brazil, India, Russia, and China while most of the imports come from china. The use of higher technology manufactured goods has caused a dramatic increase in both exports and imports. However, the recent financial crisis experienced around the world has led to a decline in imports and exports (Reuvid and Sherlock, 2011). In 2009, UK imports and exports totaled to $1,256 billion, which was equivalent to 4.3 of the world trade. The financial crisis has caused a rise in exchange rates of sterling pound, which has caused an 8.6% decrease in exports and 9.1% decrease in imports (Great Britain, 2009). Over the past ten years, the UK has been a net oil exporter, but production has been decreasing consistently over the past years. The oil industry has recorded an average decrease of 5.3% per year in exports. This has converted the UK from an oil export to an oil import land. Oil production in the region is less than demand, which calls for supplements thro ugh increased imports. Imports of other energy sources such as coal, electricity, and gas have increased over the past five years. In 2010, the importation of liquefied natural gas increased to account for 35% of total gas imports, while gas exports have decreased slightly over the same period. Gas has also been increasingly used for electricity supply with the amount required increasing by 47% (Great Britain, 2010). Changes in the financial sector affect business sentiments and investment decisions, which are linked to global trade. Data service exports at the start of 2007 were about 30 billion pounds while imports were about 33 billion pounds. Mid 2008 recorded the peak imports and exports at 40 billion and 34 billion pounds respectively. The rate of imports and exports of data services decreased consistently since 2008 reaching a low of 32 billion in imports and 29 billion in exports in mid 2009. However, an increase was recorded towards the end of 2010 with imports and exports reaching 41 and 35 billion respectively. The deep drop can be attributed to financial crisis experienced during this period. The dramatic drop experienced in 2009 can be attributed to the collapse of Lehman Brothers Company. Global insurance company AIG received below average ratings and mortgage lender Bradford & Bingley was nationalized. These changes caused the drop experienced in 2009. The UK has recorded an increase in intermediate goods trade, with a 40% increase in 2008 for non-fuel products. Production processes are divided between different countries, which have increased the flow of unfinished goods into and out of the UK. Most manufacturing countries have production firms in countries with low labor costs. Products manufactured in these countries are imported as finished or semi-finished goods. The sterling pound experienced strong depreciation between 2007 and 2008. Reports by the Bank of England (2010) suggest that goods and services exports responded differently to the weakening of sterling. Export of goods has been supported by the weakening because export performance is influenced by price. The service industry reported a decrease in exports due to a reduction in global demand. The fall of financial companies reduced the rate of financial service exports, which caused the reduced export services. According to the World Bank (BCC, 2011), trade in professional and technical services has been more resilient than trade in goods during the financial crisis. Most

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

History Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 2

History - Essay Example Scott and Shade point out that the civil rights movement fights motivated others to struggle for justice. Through peaceful direct action and registration of voters, student movement gave origin to profoundly liberation experiences that afterward engulfed American campuses and, soon after, American war in Vietnam (221). According to Reichard, in 1950s, there was underlying poverty in America and so was tranquility and domesticity visible than real. In the growing civil right movements, African-American men and women prearranged their communities and launched firm protest against prejudice and separation, taking courage from national liberation movement in all over the world. Reichard further explains that women’s movement took shape in most part of the world – advocated for socialite feminism evolutionally change, called for extension liberal feminism of the rights of men and women, exploitation of reproductive capacity and women sexuality and devaluing of women radical feminism. Civil right society had a wide range of objectives.

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Is the Game Theory, the Right Game Essay Example for Free

Is the Game Theory, the Right Game Essay Yes, indeed the game theory is the right game. Business is not about winning and losing nor is it about how well you play the game. The essence of business success lies in making sure youre playing the right game. The challenge for us is to make sure were playing the right game. There are times in our life that we think we are in the right game but suddenly we realize that it is not the game we should play. For example, the course that you choose in college, you enrolled in accounting because your parents said so or because you dont have any choice yet but you dont possess the passion, attitude and skills an accountant must have. That is an evidence that you are in the wrong course, the remedy is to change your course into the course you love and possess the skills and passion for. To every action, there is a reaction. You have to look forward into the game and then reason backward to figure out which of todays actions will lead you to where you want to end up. In order to succeed we need to go beyond the threats and opportunities that might occur and what we what to become in the future but we need also to be realistic and not too imaginary. Thus, after looking forward we make the action that will lead us to where we what to be. The decisions and actions you make today will affect our future career. So make the right actions and decisions. You cannot take away from the game more than you bring to it. You cannot take away more than your added value. Dont remove something that contribute to your strengths, keep and maintain them. The main focus is allocentrism. It is the importance of focusing on others. You have to put yourself in the shoes and even in the heads of other players. You have to ask not what other players can bring to you but what you can bring to other players. Its changing our mind-set into other players mind-set because if you know what and how they think its easy for you to discern what they need and what to the betterment of the company. Successful business strategy is about actively shaping the game you play, not just playing the game you find. Its true that we should actively shape the game we play. It means that finding a continuous improvement and not just be stagnant in where you are now. We should find a way to increase and improve to the next level as years pass by. Understanding other players can help find new strategies for changing the game or new applications of existing strategies. In changing the game we should understand the players, added value, rules, tactics and scope. There is nothing permanent in this world we should actively change into better. The world is constantly changing and we need to adapt to it for us not to be left behind. In conclusion I agree that we should be a game maker than a game taker. We should have a coopetition mind-set and to be an allocentric. I believe that in business and even in our own lives there is no end to the game of changing the game. It is always an on going process that we should adapt and be flexible to it. We should be alert and wise to make decisions and actions because our decisions and actions today will change and have an effect to our future career.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Resistance to the Nazis: The White Rose Essay -- WWII, German history

The Nazi Party, controlled by Adolf Hitler, ruled Germany from 1933 to 1945. In 1933, Hitler became the Chancellor of Germany and the Nazi government began to take over. Hitler became a very influential speaker and attracted new members to his party by blaming Jews for Germany’s problems and developed a concept of a â€Å"master race.† The Nazis believed that Germans were â€Å"racially superior† and that the Jewish people were a threat to the German racial community and also targeted other groups because of their â€Å"perceived racial inferiority† such as Gypsies, disabled persons, Polish people and Russians as well as many others. In 1938, Jewish people were banned from public places in Germany and many were sent to concentration camps where they were either murdered or forced to work. Many individuals and groups attempted to resist Nazism in Germany, but were unsuccessful. The White Rose, The Red Orchestra and the Kreisau Circle all advocated non-viol ent resistance to oppose the Nazi regime and even with the high risk of getting caught and potentially killed, the courageous members of these groups went after what they believed was right despite the serious consequences. The White Rose was formed in Munich in 1942 by students at the University of Munich named Hans Scholl, Sophie Scholl, Willi Graf and Alexander Schmorell. These students constantly heard others discuss the atrocities of Hitler’s regime and the disturbing stories of over 200,000 Jewish people being murdered. Hans Scholl, the leader of the White Rose group, decided to take action as he could no longer stay silent while so many civilians were being murdered. The White Rose group strived to raise awareness of Hitler’s actions and to help end Anti-semitism in Germany and ensure... ...ited States Holocaust Memorial Museum. United States Holocaust Memorial Council. Web. 12 May 2014. Sheehan, Sean. Why Did the Holocaust Happen? New York, NY: Gareth Stevens Pub., 2011. Print. Shuter, Jane. Resistance to the Nazis. Chicago: Heinemann Library, 2003. Print. "The Kreisau Circle." Kreisau Circle. Web. 14 May 2014. "The Germans Who Tried to Topple Hitler." BBC News. Web. 21 May 2014. "The Leaflets." White-rose-studies. Web. 20 May 2014. "The Red Orchestra (Die Rote Kapelle)." Berliner Themenjahr 2013. Web. 22 May 2014. ""The Red Orchestra": Actions of Little-known Nazi-resistance Group Are Brought to Light." Movies. Web. 22 May 2014. "White Rose (German Anti-Nazi Group)." Encyclopedia Britannica Online. Encyclopedia Britannica. Web. 12 May 2014. "World War II: The White Rose Resistance Group." Military History. Web. 12 May 2014.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Lies My Teachers Told Me Essay

As I watched the video and read parts of the books, I began to wonder why they would lie. Throughout school, they teach us to be honest and truthful in everything we say and do. So therefore why would they lie to us? According to James W. Loewen, â€Å"Taking ideas seriously does not fit with the rhetorical style of textbooks, which presents events so as to make them seem foreordained along a line of constant progress†. He goes on to say that including ideas would make history contingent. It would present uncertainty. That would not be consider a textbook learning style. Textbooks unfold history as melodrama, instead of with drama or suspense. An example would be John Brown. The treatment of Brown, like the treatment of Slavery and Reconstructino, has changed in American history books. John Brown was considered insane from 1890 until 1970, then slowly began to change back over into sane. Some textbooks emphasize the claim that no slaves actually joined John Brown. At times, I think it would just be easier to go back in time like in the movie Bill and Ted’s Excellent Adventure. Not only would we get the truth, but we would have seen bits and pieces of it. I think more and more students would enjoy history more if we actually got the truth rather than lies. I think that if we had the suspense and drama, we would learn more. To me in high school, history was a mixture of english and math. All of the boring parts of those two classes combined into one. The teacher was not much better either. I think if the teacher made it more exciting.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Tule Lake Internment Camp

Tule Lake Internment Camp Introduction: For my concluding paper I researched and will discourse the Nipponese internment cantonment that was located in Tule lake California during World War 2. Tule lake War Relocation Center, one of 10 concentration cantonments constructed in 1942 by the United States authorities to imprison Nipponese Americans, forcibly removed from their places on the West Coast every bit good as other parts of the United States. The Tule lake internment cantonment totaled about 18700 people, two-thirds of whom were United States citizens. Executive Order 9066, issued by President Franklin D. Roosevelt in early 1942 as a response to the onslaught on Pearl Harbor, authorized set uping an Exclusion Zone on the West Coast, from which local military governments could take certain populations under wartime exigency ( ‘Oregon Responds to World War II: Behind the Fence: Life in the Internment Camp’ , n.d. ) . The first evacuees came from the Portland and Puyallup Assembly Centers to assist with the initial set up of the cantonment, and as the cantonment grew, more people arrived from Southwestern Oregon, Western Washington and the Sacramento country in California. The cantonment began being built in April and began to be occupied by May with the 1stof the Nipponese Americans held at the cantonment. The Nipponese American’s and their households had to pack up and travel into the internment cantonments with small of their properties. They were merely allowed two bags per individual, the older kids had to transport the properties of their younger siblings who were non strong plenty to transport their ain. This limited even more of what the households could convey with them to the cantonments. Being forced out of their communities and places the Japanese Americans lost what small ownerships they may hold acquired. When the war was over and they returned place to happen out they had los t everything and had to get down over reconstructing their lives. Housing Conditionss for the Nipponese Americans: The lodging conditions the Nipponese Americans were put into were hapless. The barracks that housed the internees were merely boarded up hovels with seams open to the environment. The edifices were built by the internees and have been documented to hold one built every 10 proceedingss to maintain up with the changeless inflow of geting Nipponese Americans. The barracks merely had a military fingerstall, heavy wool covers and a coal range for heat. The barracks had no pluming or running H2O for the internees. There was no furniture provided, any chairs or chest of drawerss were built by the internees from bit wood left over from the barracks. All of the internees had to wait in lines for showers and to utilize the bathrooms for hours at a clip. It was non any easier when it came to repasts, it was similar state of affairs for all in the cantonment. Most of the wooden edifices that were the masters have fallen down or hold decayed beyond fix. For the most portion you can see the wharfs or the concrete pes print were the edifices one time stood. The concrete edifice that was the stockade is still standing every bit good as some of the original waste intervention workss but it is besides get downing to crumple. The country is a beautiful country in the state with positions of the unfastened farming area with Mt. Shasta to the South. The beauty of the country was noted by the Japanese Americans upon reaching to the cantonment as stated by Hiroshi Kashiwagi, 2003, recalls beautiful skies that he wished he could take exposures of but cameras were non allowed in the cantonment ( ‘Tule Lake Internment – Segregation Center Videos |’ , 2003. ) . The entire country in which the cantonment was situated was 1.0 ten 1.5 stat mis in the Tule Lake part. The cantonments were broken down into subdivisions that housed 300 to 500 people in a subdivision. The edifices were 20? ten 25? suites were intended for seven, 20? ten 20? suites were for five and 20? tens 16? suites were for four. Not really large and at times more people were in the edifices due to holding a larger household. The subdivisions had their ain bathroom country and shower country for everyone to utilize. They besides had a cardinal cafeteria for everyone to eat at. As you can conceive of there was uninterrupted long lines for utilizing the bathrooms and being able to eat ( ‘Oregon Responds to World War II: Behind the Fence: Life in the Internment Camp’ , n.d. ) . The first twelvemonth of the cantonments the bare castanetss barracks did non hold any insularity or Sheetrock to seal out the conditions conditions. In Tule Lake being that the country is Alpine Desert the summers can be hot and dry with blowing dust storms. The winters can be cold with big sums of blowing snow. The country is unfastened with no trees or hills to interrupt up the air current and conditions. This make the conditions tough and utmost at clip during the twelvemonth. After many months of complaining by the internees in the barracks the U.S. authorities decided to let the barracks to hold sheet stone on the walls to assist with the hapless conditions of the barracks. The roof every bit good as the floor were still left unfinished but the Nipponese Americans were happy to hold a small better conditions in the barracks. The subdivisions besides had their ain school houses for the kids who were at the cantonments. The instruction provided to the kids was basic and allowed them to non fall behind others who were non being detained by the U.S. authorities. In the internment cantonment at Tule Lake, the U.S. authorities every bit good as the local authorities took advantage of accomplishments of the Nipponese Americans being held at that place. The U.S. authorities set up builders, public-service corporation workers and its ain constabulary force overseen by the military but staffed with Nipponese Americans to make the work and supply services for the big cantonment that held 18700 Nipponese Americans. Working within the Camp: The Nipponese Americans would besides procure their ain meat and veggies for the cantonment every bit good as for others since the land around the Tule lake country was some of most fertile dirt in the U.S. The farm land within every bit good as the husbandmans around the cantonment who took advantage of the inexpensive labour grew a assortment of veggies that included boodle, Beta vulgariss, murphies, etc. The internment cantonment besides had a big pig farm, dairy and poulet spread within the cantonment. The Nipponese detainees would work the Fieldss and pig farms, dairy and poulet spread. There was besides a processing works for the pigs where the meat was processed for the internees. The figure of Nipponese Americans employed at the cantonment included 800 undertaking farm work ; 500 building ; 400 care work forces which includes janitor and refuse disposers ; 800 repositing and other transit ; 350 cooks and cooks ‘ assistants ; and 410 wardens, firemen, and other Civic wor kers ; and at least 100 infirmary employees, a sum of 3,360 were employed out of about 13000-18700 people. As mentioned above the Japanese Americans in the cantonment held places within the cantonment and were overseen by military every bit good as local governments in Tule Lake. The work forces and adult females would work assorted places as builders, public-service corporation worker, labours, Masons, meat processors, cooks and anyplace else needed to maintain the little metropolis running every bit smooth as possible. The workers there were paid a pay that was far less than their white counter parts who besides worked in the cantonment and environing country of Tule lake. There was a little general shop in the cantonment known as the â€Å"canteen† that toilet articless and other necessities could be bought by the internees. If they had any excess money some newspapers as magazines could be purchased but most of clip no 1 could afford to purchase them. The Nipponese Americans were allowed to order vesture from Sears’s catalogs every bit good as from Woolworths and other c atalog shops. In the cantonment the internees the professionals received $ 19 a month. Average workers were paid $ 16 and labourers toiled for $ 12 a month. For the white professionals working in the cantonment such as physicians and sawboness were having $ 400 a month for the same work. This was capable that created animus within the cantonment since the internees had higher instruction degrees than the white professionals. The Nipponese Americans had no pick but to take the work or have no income at all. This type of intervention did non settle good with the internees ( ‘Tule Lake Internment – Segregation Center Videos |’ , n.d. ) . Meals provided at the Tule lake cantonment: The repasts provided to the internees was the really basic necessities for them to last. A sample of a bill of fare in the cantonment: Monday: Delta Breakfast: stewed dried fruit, farina with hot milk, French toast with sirup, chocolate, milk. Delta Lunch: baked macaroni and cheese, steamed rice, tsukemono ( pickled veggies ) , boiled fresh veggies, boodle salad, orange, staff of life, tea. Delta Dinner:fresh fried fish, boiled maize, steamed rice, pickled fresh Beta vulgariss, butterscotch sweet. Tuesday: Delta Breakfast:half Citrus paradisi, rolled oats with milk, hot bars with sirup, chocolate, java, and milk. Delta Lunch: boiled beef-spanish manner, steamed rice, tsukemono, boodle salad, apple tea. Delta Dinner: beef sukiyaki ( a kind of Nipponese chop suey ) , steamed rice, tsukemono, murphy salad, spice bar, tea. Wednesday: Delta Breakfast: stewed dried fruit, dry cereal with milk, French toast with sirup, java, tea, and milk. Delta Lunch: Boston baked beans, boiled fresh veggies, steamed rice, tsukemono, boodle salad, orange, staff of life, and tea. Delta Dinner: fried fresh fish, steamed rice, tsukemono, cole slaw, fruit Jell-O, tea ( ‘Oregon Responds to World War II: Behind the Fence: Life in the Internment Camp’ , n.d. ) . If a household had income from working they could travel to the canteen and purchase other nutrient to take back to the barracks. The nutrient they could buy was bacon, eggs, pancake mix and other meats to cook on a hot home base or on the warming range in their barracks. This was non the instance for most households since merely 45-65 % of the Nipponese Americans had employment in the cantonment. This was difficult for the little kids as they were able to smell the nutrient and would inquire their parents why they could non hold the same thing. Their parents would hold to explicate to them they could non afford to purchase those points form the canteen. It was hard for the parents and kids who could non afford to eat anything other than the repasts that were prepared in the muss hall on a day-to-day footing. The repasts many households had been accustom to before being detained were a distant memory for all of the internees. Decision: Researching and watching pictures from early 2000’s of a few of the internees when they were invited to revisit the cantonment and have their narratives documented was saddening to watch for me. I was amazed that the Nipponese Americans would even desire to return to a topographic point they were held confined against their will for 4+ old ages as kids. Many of them had lost everything they had acquired before being detained. Visiting the site for myself I could see the beauty that surrounded them that Jimi Yamaichi has described. Though being in a unfavourable state of affairs at the cantonment due to high unemployment and hapless life conditions Jimi Yamaichi still had a smiling as radius non severely of how he was treated but about thankful to hold survived and was able to do the most of bad state of affairs that our U.S. authorities handed to the Nipponese Americans during World War 2. Work Cited: Oregon Responds to World War II: Behind the Fence: Life in the Internment Camp. ( n.d. ) . Retrieved 3 June 2015, from hypertext transfer protocol: // Tule Lake Internment – Segregation Center Videos | . ( n.d. ) . Retrieved 31 May 2015, from hypertext transfer protocol: //

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Banking Regulation around the World Patterns, Determinants, and Impact essayEssay Writing Service

Banking Regulation around the World Patterns, Determinants, and Impact essayEssay Writing Service Banking Regulation around the World: Patterns, Determinants, and Impact essay Banking Regulation around the World: Patterns, Determinants, and Impact essayThe US has historically been a state based on the principles of free market and perfect competition. However, increasing economic growth and increasing interdependence among countries resulted in regional, in the first place, and then global crisis. For example, the Great Depression was the starting point for the development of the economic theory of John Maynard Keynes deriving from the fact that the market is not able to come to equilibrium independently. Later criticism of Keynes’s paper led to the rejection of some of its provisions, but the idea of the state as a third party regulating the market has remained. As Robert Lucas stated in 2009: â€Å"I guess everyone is a Keynesian in the foxhole† (Rouse, 2013).Indeed, certain points of the program of state regulation today cause special dissatisfaction on the part of supporters of free market principles. Denying, however, the need for extern al support, although costly, would be, at least, impractical because the calculated potential losses from the crisis would exceed the most expensive plan for economic recovery.  Assessing the borderlines of government interventionInitially, liberalization of the financial sector in the early 2000’s by eliminating Glass-Steagall Act and reducing the interest rate of the Fed to 1% caused a rapid growth of the US economy for the past eight years. However, market deregulation allowed many commercial banks to buy short-term profitable but risky assets at the expense of their depositors, while need to involve more people into the system prompted banks to start issuing mortgages even to less reliable households without requiring any fee or proof of income, which in the end led to massive defaults on the mortgage and financial crisis. In the situation where the discount rate already tends to zero, the US economy was actually on the verge of a liquidity trap when further reduction o f the discount rate does not affect the behavior of market agents (Li, 2007). As a result, the Federal Reserve has not coped with the tasks of control leading to the need for greater government intervention, in particular the enactment of Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act.The Dodd-Frank Act suggest activity in six areas: improving accountability and increasing transparency of financial institutions, rejection of the principle of rescuing systemically important financial institutions (â€Å"too big to fail†), search for alternatives to rescuing bankrupt companies at the expense of state aid, i.e. taxpayers, consumer protection, introduction of the Volcker Rule, and regulation of the market of precious metals. In addition to reforming the financial legislation, much has been done through direct state intervention in the financial sector (Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act). The main ways to stimulate the economy at the moment are: the Fed financial programs, tests assessing the state of major banks, financial assistance to banks through TARP, Recovery Act, the Term Asset-Backed Securities Loan (TALF), organizations such as AIG, Freddie Mac and Funnie Mae, preventing foreclosure of the mortgaged property, as well as the activities of the Small Business Administration (SBA).Acting together, these measures involve a significant reduction in the risk of major default. Indeed, the presence of short-term capital debt declined from 62% in 2007 to 37% in 2013, increasing the stability of financial institutions (Rouse, 2013). At the same time, banks have increased their own capital by about $450 billion, which now serve as the airbag in the event of new economic shocks, reduce dependence on credit and can be spent on investments in long-term projects. In addition, while by March 2009, banks participating in the TARP program and receiving funding had to pay out $238 billion, 99% of this amount was already repaid in Apr il 2013 (Rouse, 2013). Moreover, investments of some programs of the Fed and TARP returned to the state budget as additional revenues, which certainly shows the effectiveness of the state support. However, it is not all as rosy as it might seem at first glance.First, Dodd-Frank Act may be regarded as a return to the past due to the use of one of the principles of the Glass-Steagall Act (Banking Act of 1933), repealed in 1999, namely the Volcker Rule which delineates the activities of banks dealing with consumer credit with government guarantees and investment banks (Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act). This decision is likely to lead to further restriction of liquidity and size of the financial market. In addition, state intervention significantly limits the ability of financial institutions, especially large ones, markedly increasing their responsibility. However, such a rigid legislative regulation will complicate a quick exit from the recession and will pre vent the rapid development of the banking sector. In turn, the increase in the share of banking assets controlled by the state reduces the rate of development of financial non-banking sector and the stock market. In general, government regulation associated with rising costs, in fact, voluntarily overtakes the unnecessary long-term risks (Rouse, 2013).Moreover, analysis data from 54 countries show that there is an inverse relationship between the proportion of state involvement in banks and financial development: a large proportion of state involvement in the banking system leads to slowing of economic development, moreover, none of the limits reduces the probability of banking crisis (Li, 2007). At the same time, the most acute problem with the introduction of a new regulatory legislation is related to its procyclicality: the law hinders economic development during the recession limiting the abilities of financial institutions, and during the phase of recovery, its most rigid princ iples will be eliminated, which can lead to another liberalization of financial markets and the economy overheating.  ConclusionOn the one hand, the imposition of restrictions and strengthening of control over certain types of banking activity reduces the efficiency of the whole sector. On the other hand, the modern-day banking regulation in the US is a necessary measure in response to the weakening of market discipline, loss of caution and skepticism, which should be common to investors putting up their capital in a particular company. Regulating the banking sector, the state today operates in a versatile way: it tries to help investors, â€Å"pull† systemically important financial institutions, and stimulate small business. To a certain extent, based on the experience of the recent crisis, today it is difficult to imagine a situation of full liberalization of the financial market; and in our opinion, we should not expect weakening of state intervention in the management o f the banking system in the short term, because it is the most important tool for managing the entire economy, reflects the ownership structure of the state and its economic goals. In this case, the main task of the state is effective limiting of the growth of the financial sector at the peak stage of overall economic development, so that the smoothing of the business cycle allowed surviving the possible subsequent recession without the deep decline and without the heavy pressure on the state budget.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Figurative vs. Literal Language

Figurative vs. Literal Language Learning to make meaning when figurative language is used can be a difficult concept for learning disabled students. Students with disabilities, especially those with language delays, become easily confused when figurative language is used. Figurative language or figures of speech is very abstract for children. Put simply to a child: figurative language doesnt mean exactly what it says. Unfortunately, many students take figurative language literally. The next time you say- this briefcase weighs a ton, they might just think that it does and come away with a belief that a ton is something close to the weight of a suitcase. Figurative Speech Comes in Many Forms Simile (comparisons often with as or like): as smooth as silk, as fast as the wind, quick like a lightning bolt.Metaphor (implicit comparison without like or as): Youre such an airhead. Its bursting with flavor.Hyperbole (exaggerating statement): In order to get my assignment done, Ill have to burn the midnight oil.Personification (giving something a human quality): The sun smiled down on me. The leaves danced in the wind. As a teacher, take time to teach the meanings of figurative language. Let the students brainstorm possible sayings for figurative language. Take a look at the list below and have students brainstorm a context for which the phrases could be used. For instance: when I want to use Bells and whistles I could be rererring to the new computer I just bought which has, lots of memory, a dvd burner, an amazing video card, a wireless keyboard and a mouse. Therefore I could say My new computer has all the bells and whistles. Use the list below, or let students brainstorm a list of figures of speech. Let them identify what the possible meanings of the phrases could be. Figures of Speech Phrases At the drop of a hatAxe to grindBack to square oneBells and whistlesBed of rosesBurn the midnight oilClean sweepChew the fatCold feetCoast is clearDown in the dumpsEars are burningForty winksFull of beans Give me a breakGive my right armIn a nutshell/pickleIn the bagIts greek to meFinal strawLet the cat out of the bagLong shotMums the wordOn the ballOut on a limbPass the buckPay through the noseRead between the linesSaved by the bellSpill the beansTake a rain checkThrough the grapevineTrue colorsUnder the weatherUp my sleeveUpset the apple cartWalking on eggshells

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Dispositions Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Dispositions Paper - Essay Example Dispositions essential for an early childhood educator An early childhood educator should delight in the development of children and have a curiosity about the same. This will allow them to have a strong liking for children and be able to approach and interact with them in and out of class every time and not only when direction or correction is needed (Kidd et al 316). According to Danielson et al (235), playing forms an essential part in the life of a child and their proper development. Therefore, an early childhood educator should value children’s play. This disposition will motivate them to arrange the environment, provide opportunity and materials for play, and be part of it either by watch closely or active participation. They will not find themselves interrupting play and replacing it with teacher-directed activities. The world is dynamic and some of these changes bring challenges in the way we handle and deal with situations we are used to. The early childhood education al centers are not exempted from these challenges and changes for example changes in children’s behavior due changing social-economic and technological situations in the society. An early childhood educator should therefore expect and welcome continuous challenges and change. ... gence of new circumstances and challenges in the society including children, an early childhood educator should have the will and be ready to take risks and make mistakes. This will allow them to move and perform in new upcoming areas within the early childhood education. It will also enable them to handle situations or issues in the early childhood education set up they have never handled before. Whenever mistakes arise, they take them as important learning opportunities instead of sources of self-condemnation and discouragement. Lack of this disposition leads to rigidity and less interest in professional development (Danielson et al 235). Collaboration is necessary for the attainment of results that individual people cannot achieve to the best or those that can be achieved better if approached or done as a group. This requires that an early childhood educator should seek collaboration and peer support. Peer support is very important especially in tackling challenges that relate dir ectly to the education of young children. An educator with such a disposition will use all opportunities to brainstorm and problem-solve with colleagues while requesting or offering help where needed (Thornton 25). Early childhood educators have a significant role in the life of young children to shape, care and protect them due to the much time children spend in school during the day. This requires that early childhood educators should actively advocate for children and teaching practices that are appropriate for them. This disposition will drive them to learn all rights and needs of children in order to ensure that they are provided for. These will include the educational needs required by children for them attain to their best education wise for example the best instructional methods and

Friday, November 1, 2019

Study Skills Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 1

Study Skills - Essay Example Study skills are never attained fully formed, any more than a grown man pops out of his mother’s womb. According to Cottrell(2003 p3)They evolve and mature through repetition, trial and error, critique from others and continued reflection as you progress through your individual journey as a learner The purpose of this module is to provide the opportunity to acquire and develop the study skills that will be necessary to successfully complete this course to a standard that I am aiming for. Being a competent independent learner is derived from being self motivated, being able to manage personal learning processes, good time management skills and continually reflecting on what and how you learn best and tailoring your energies to suit. Within this portfolio I will examine the development of learner independence, time management, self evaluation of personal learning, production of an action plan and improving my essay writing skills. If as anticipated this is completed successfully it will add additional skills to my current ones and aide me in my current quest to secure a higher second grade result on this degree course. Learner independence or autonomy can be defined as â€Å"capacity to take responsibility for, and control of, your own learning, whether in an institutionalised context, or completely independent of a teacher or institution† (Thornbury, 2006). Learner independence is the ability of the learners to control their learning process (Holec, 1981). In the present age, when knowledge is growing at very fast pace because of the ongoing research work and rapid advancements in technology, the importance of independent learning cannot be overemphasized. Learners must understand that the education they are provided with at institutions is time-constrained, and what they need to learn is not limited to what they are taught in schools. Most learners used to learning in